4. 巴勃罗·毕加索 白鹰L\'Epervier,来自自然历史,1936年36.5 x 28厘米38.5 x 28.2厘米。 高清作品[96%]

L\'Aigle Blanc; L\'epervier, from Histoire Naturelle , 1936  36.5 x 28cm.; 38.5 x <em>28.2</em>cm.

图片文件尺寸 : 4791 x 5783px

Pablo Picasso:L\'Aigle Blanc; L\'epervier, from Histoire Naturelle (Eaux-fortes originales pour des textes de buffon), 1936
two etchings with sugarlift aquatint and drypoint, on Vidalon wove paper
36.5 x 28cm.; 38.5 x 28.2cm. (2)
These works are from the edition of 135 on this paper (the total edition was 226), printed by Lacourière, published by Fabiani, Paris, 1942

巴勃罗·毕加索 白鹰L\'Epervier,来自自然历史,1936年36.5 x 28厘米38.5 x 28.2厘米。

下载巴勃罗·毕加索 白鹰L\'Epervier,来自自然历史,1936年36.5 x 28厘米38.5 x 28.2厘米。大图